Unless the HSE take clear steps to secure the future of the Dean Maxwell in Roscrea beyond 2022, Deputy Michael Lowry says he’ll support and encourage people to protest.
While it was announced yesterday that the decision to cease long term care at the facility from January 1st has been reversed, the future beyond 2022 is still unclear.
Speaking in the Dáil, Deputy Lowry said that the Government must tell the HSE how to act here to maintain these services in Roscrea into the future.
“Dean Maxwell is doomed, the unit as it is at present, unless there’s an explicit and clear directive from Government to the HSE to develop and bring forward a plan which will include a full range of services and long-stay beds for the town of Roscrea.
“The HSE will not take that initiative to refurbish or replace Dean Maxwell unless it’s directed by Government to do so.
“Your Department (Public Expenditure) has provided one billion euro (for residential care developments). We want to make sure that an adequate portion of that fund is dedicated to Roscrea.”