Having gone from the excitement of receiving their Leaving Cert results last Friday the Class of 2023 in Clonmel are still trying to come to terms with the loss of four young lives in the town.
Grace McSweeney and Zoey Coffey were pupils at the Presentation Convent in Clonmel.
Speaking on Tipp Today earlier school Principal Michael O’Loughlin said they were the best of friends.
“Inseparable – everybody will tell you that.
“Grace was I suppose gentle, kind, thoughtful, considerate. She’s the girl that would sit down and she would just listen to the girls and maybe come back with very thoughtful answer.
“Zoey totally different – vibrant, determined, your leader. Her plan was to go teaching – she was a born teacher. People who get on with a plan.
“They were just gorgeous girls, every student, every 6th year mad about them.”
Nicole Murphy attended the Loretto Convent in the town.
Principal Anne McGrath said Nikki as she was known to her friends was a quiet girl.
“Gentle but in fact having spoken with some of the girls and some of the teachers particularly would say quiet but observant. So she sat back and she watched but the others would say then when she made her comment she was very witty and that the contrast between her quiet personality and her loud laugh. Speaking with the family that’s what they say as well – she was the life and soul of their family as well.”