The Newport Local Electoral Area has the worst rate of Covid-19 infection in Tipperary over the last two weeks.
Latest figures highlight the surge in local Covid-19 cases over the Christmas period.
In the 14 days leading up to last Monday, Covid-19 cases surged across Tipperary in line with the rest of the country.
The worst affected Local Electoral Area was Newport where 123 new cases were recorded over the fortnight, giving it an incidence rate of 752 cases per 100,000 people.
That’s followed by Cahir with 57 new cases and an incidence rate of 387 which is up from 0 per 100,000 last time, while Nenagh has an incidence rate of 356 after 76 new cases in the fortnight.
There were 78 new cases in the last two weeks in Cashel-Tipperary, 63 in Clonmel, 55 in Thurles and 50 in Roscrea-Templemore.
Carrick-on-Suir Local Electoral Area now has the lowest infection rate in Tipperary, with 33 new cases in the 14 days and an incidence rate of 170.
Newport – 123 (new cases) / 752 (cases per 100k people)
Cahir – 57 / 387
Nenagh – 76 / 356
Roscrea-Templemore – 50 / 301
Cashel-Tipperary – 78 / 285
Thurles – 55 / 284
Clonmel – 63 / 259
Carrick-on-Suir – 33 / 170