Labour Leader Alan Kelly is congratulating Tipperary County Council for their influence in securing a significant investment into Nenagh.
The Martyr’s Road Regeneration Quarter project, led by Tipperary County Council, will see an initial 9.5 million euro allocated to works including a Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Energy.
The funding was announced yesterday as part of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund.
Deputy Alan Kelly says the investment will be “transformative” for the town:
“We’ve seen a number of other developments in that area of the last number of years, the cleaning up of the O’Connor’s site, the whole new Sheahan’s hardware and a range of other works as well.
“It really opens up a whole civic space to the community but will have a number of company’s working there, a number of residential units but really it’s pointing to Nenagh as being the central hub for how we are going to have sustainable energy, sustainable living in this country.”