Visiting restrictions have been put in place at TUH for the next 7 days.
Due to an increase in Covid-19 outbreaks at the hospital, visitors will no longer be allowed to visit Medical 1, Surgical B and Gynae Wards.
Patients can only have 1 visitor a day and they must complete a COVID-19 Risk Assessment form before visiting.
The hospital has also said visiting may be further suspended during periods of outbreak to minimise transmission.
There have been no changes in visitation to the Maternity Department and Special Care Baby Unit.
-All visitors need to complete a COVID-19 Risk Assessment form at the front door prior to visiting.
-Visitors must wear a surgical facemask while in the hospital which covers the mouth and nose at all times.
-Visiting may be further suspending during periods of Outbreak to minimise transmission of infection.
All visiting arrangements will be reviewed weekly.
The following exceptions will be facilitated:
End Of Life Non COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
End Of Life COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct PPE/hand hygiene/IPC advice etc.
Critically ill patient – Two nominated relatives only utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
One parent will be allowed visit children in the Paediatric Unit at any one time.
Maternity Department and Special Care Baby Unit – no changes to current visiting arrangement in the maternity services.
This comes as Tipperary has the 10th highest Covid rate in the country.
That was based on figures of the week starting the 20th of June.
The incidence rate in Tipperary came in at 279.5 per 100,000 of the population.
Waterford had the highest nationally at over 329, with counties in the South accounting for much of the higher rates.
GPs have been reporting that many people are developing systems but not self-isolating.