HSE Home Support Services in the mid-west region are being curtailed due to high transmission rates of Covid-19.
HSE Mid West Community Healthcare says that they’re making the temporary changes to protect older persons and maintain services for the most vulnerable.
They are keen to point out however that they “will only reduce or step down services for those clients who are in a position to manage without it.”
Mary O Brien is HSE Head of Service for Older Persons in the mid-west:
“To protect our older persons and maintain services for the most vulnerable, we are stepping down some home support services.
“We don’t do this lightly, and the Mid-West Community Healthcare will only reduce or step down services for those clients who are in a position to manage without it,
“We will work collaboratively with our clients and their families to ensure that the HSE complete the process safely and equitably.
“Our absolute priority is to keep people safe while community transmissions are so high.”
The HSE Mid West Community Healthcare link for Tipperary County Council – Bernadette Mullins
email: [email protected] ; Tel: 087 4065038