The son of a man whose body was found on his girlfriend’s farm says he knew something wasn’t right when he called over to hers looking for him.
He was giving evidence at the trial of Patrick Quirke from Breanshamore, Co. Tipperary, who denies murdering Bobby Ryan sometime after June 3rd 2011.
Last week, Patrick Quirke’s ex-lover Mary Lowry told the jury she was mad about Bobby Ryan, a local DJ she met in 2010; a month or so after she brought an end to what she described as a “seedy affair” with the accused.
She spoke about the efforts to find Mr. Ryan when he went missing on June 3rd 2011, after spending the night with her.
It is the prosecution’s case that Mr. Quirke murdered the 52yo and then “staged” the discovery of his remains in a run-off tank on Mrs. Lowry’s farm almost two years later.
Today, Mr. Ryan’s son Bobby Jnr, said he drove out to Mary’s farm after his father didn’t show up for work the day he went missing.
He said she wasn’t in the yard when he first drove in but appeared at one of her sheds looking “very shaken, upset and emotional”.
He said she was “shaking” as if she’d just been a car crash and he knew something wasn’t right by the way she was acting.
The trial continues.