The Nenagh Needs It’s A&E group are taking to the roads of North Tipp and Limerick today.
The ‘Drive to Save Lives’ protest will see campaigners from the Premier, Limerick and Clare converge on Limerick City and UHL to highlight the need to tackle the growing crisis at the main hospital for the region.
The North Tipp contingent will gather at 10.30 at the Stereame Retail Park in Nenagh before heading in convoy to Limerick.
Tanya de Vito from the Nenagh group is urging people to rally around the effort and make their presence felt.
“I know its asking a lot but when we get to the Raheen Business Park we will get out of the cars and set up a little speaker thing and we might be laying a wreath (at the HSE offices) to remember the people who have died because of UHL, because of their Emergency Department. We will have megaphones, we want people to bring their whistles because when we get into the city, in Limerick, we want this to be loud – we need people to see that we’re there.”