Cashel Town Plaza is the venue of a fundraiser in support of the Irish Emergency Alliance/Ukraine Appeal today (Saturday).
From 10am until 6pm this evening, Cashel Comhaltas Youth Project are running a day of entertainment in effort to raise the funds.
Music, song and dance is expected throughout the day.
John Harnett, who’s a music teacher with Cashel Comhaltas, says a great day of entertainment is expected:
“It’s a full days entertainment basically, music, song and dance.
“There will be a lot of traditional music but it won’t be specifically that, we have a lot of help from other local people and local groups in the area.
“We will have some choral stuff and we’ll have different types of music as well.
“We should have a great days entertainment.”
Áine Devitt, who’s a youth officer with Comhaltas, says raising money through their talents is always something they wanted to do:
“We were formed last year and there is six youth officers and we really wanted to fundraise because we can fundraise with our talents of music.
“We didn’t really know what to fundraise for at the start.
“We were thinking about local charities and then of course Ukraine, that happened, so we put our efforts into that and this is what we got.”