A local councillor has called for traffic calming measures at Thurles’ biggest housing estate.
At this month’s meeting of Thurles MD, Councillor Jim Ryan called for speed ramps to be put at the rear of Rosemount Estate, which has over 250 houses.
Due to county-wide policies, speed ramps are the last resort for traffic-calming measures.
However, the district engineers assured Cllr. Ryan that they would look into the issue.
“I’ve received numerous complaints from residents in the area that there is high-speed traffic going in there and that there are no speed ramps at the back of the estate like there are at the front. The residents feel a bit aggrieved because they can see the speed ramps being very effective at the front of the estate, but where they live at the back, there is no traffic calming. So, I asked if the council would install either speed ramps or other types of traffic calming or signage, and they agreed to look into it. They didn’t give a commitment that they would do it, but they did say that they would go up and have a look at the estate and see what would be required.”
Residents of Rosemount have expressed fears over speeding, which Cllr. Ryan also told the meeting.
They have seen speed ramps slow speeding at the entrance to the estate, but before they can be erected at the rear of Rosemount, other measures must be tried.
“They will look at other measures to see if the likes of chicanes, road markings, or signage would slow down traffic; speed ramps would be a last resort if none of the other options work. I will wait for the engineer to go up and have a look at it, see what he says, and take it from there. I know the estate very well and have met residents in relation to this. They are genuinely concerned; there are a lot of young children up there that run across the road, and they are fearful that something may happen.”