The final survey of 2021 by business group Irish Business Against Litter shows Clonmel again ‘Clean to European Norms’ and rising to 16th place in the ranking of 40 towns and cities.
Tipperary town, however, has lost its Clean status and is ‘moderately littered’ in 25th spot.
The study found PPE litter was at its highest level nationwide since the pandemic began.
Naas finished ahead of Portlaoise and Ennis to record its first win in the annual rankings.
Dublin’s North Inner City has been branded a litter blackspot at the foot of the table, despite showing some improvement.
The An Taisce report for Clonmel stated:
A typically strong performance by Clonmel with seven out of the ten sites surveyed getting the top litter grade. These included all three approach roads, O’Connell Street and Richard Mulchay Park and Playgrounds – the latter is a wonderful resource and was excellently presented and maintained with all aspects within in very good order. The Bring Centre beside stadium / racecourse was in a poor state in a previous survey – it has improved somewhat but was still moderately littered. The two most heavily littered sites in Clonmel were the Bring Facility at Westgate Car Park and a Miscellaneous site at corner of Parnell Street and College Street – there was no change at this corner site since it was highlighted in a previous survey.
The An Taisce report for Tipperary town stated:
A disappointing showing after a superb result earlier in 2021. Top-ranking sites in Tipperary town included the residential area of Canon Hayes Park, Lidl and Market Yard – the latter was particularly freshly presented and maintained. The Main Street would have got the top grade but was let down by litter at various vacant premises. There were heavy levels of litter along the N24 Clonmel Approach Road and Pearse Park. The Miscellaneous Site at ‘Bank Place’ has been highlighted in many previous IBAL surveys – it remains a heavily littered site.