The Glenconnor Housing Scheme in Clonmel has been cited as an example for all social housing schemes.
The scheme was visited by Minister for Planning and Local Government, Peter Burke, yesterday, on his visit to Tipperary.
There are 26 houses there in Glenconnor Heights and the residents would be a mixture of families, single people and Syrian refugees.
This visit came on the brink of the Housing for All programme and Mayor of Clonmel, Michael Murphy said places like Glenconnor show what can be achieved.
“You know, for me, being here in Glenconnor Hill today, as Mayor, back in 2016, this was just a greenfield site, it was a vision – we undertook a Part 8 Process and I must say, being here today and seeing it fully developed, I’ll never forget I think it was September last year, the joy on the families’ faces, being given the keys.
“I think it’s just a reminder today for the Minister, the important actors that local authorities are in solving the housing crisis.”