Proposals for a substantial housing development in Cashel have been rejected by An Bord Pleanála.
An application was lodged to the planning authority as a Strategic Housing Development for lands on the Clonmel Road in the town.
The proposals before An Bord Pleanala would have provided a significant housing boost for Cashel.
A number of meetings were held with both Tipperary County Council and the state planning appeals board prior to the submission of the application last April.
A total of 108 residential units were planned along with a childcare facility and outdoor play area on the 5.6 hectare site at Coopers Lot adjacent to the Cashel King Cormacs GAA grounds.
An Bord Pleanala has refused permission on two grounds – firstly that the proposed development does not provide for the future expansion of the GAA grounds which forms part of the Coopers Lot Master Plan.
The Board also wasn’t satisfied that adequate information had been submitted in relation to recurring flooding that has been reported to occur on the Clonmel Road adjacent to the site.