
Calls for point-to-point racing to return immediately



There’s calls for point-to-point racing to return urgently, following on from Minella Indo’s win in the Gold Cup yesterday.

The Fethard bred horse was previously owned by John Nallen of Hotel Minella in Clonmel, where it won it’s first point-to-point race in Dromahane just three years ago.

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Under level 5 restrictions, no point-to-point racing has taken place with the return date uncertain as of now,

Speaking to Tipp FM, John Nallen says it needs to return as soon as possible:

“They need to get back but you see the ground will be gone in four or five weeks so that’s why it’s imperative that they get going straight away.

“Point-to-pointing means more to the ordinary people, it puts more sliced pans in more kitchens than the flat racing or anything because there’s more horses.

“There’s probably a hundred people employed within a 15 mile radius of Clonmel as a result of point-to-pointing and that’s all on hold now and the value of the stock and the stock being bred and the stock being brought on.”


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