The Community in Carrick on Suir is demanding action on the increase in drug abuse in the town.
Locals have expressed concern that not enough is being done to tackle the issue.
People in Carrick on Suir have raised concerns that drug users have been seen openly shooting up on the streets.
A video has also been doing the rounds of somebody taking drugs close to the town hall.
It’s become a scourge on the town – with young people often targetted by drug dealers.
Speaking on Tipp Today this morning, Cllr David Dunne said it’s becoming a vicious circle…
Eddie Reade is a well known local activist in Carrick on Suir in terms of promoting mental health and speaking out against crime and drugs.
He says at a funeral last week, he was sneered at by a number of drug dealers outside the church…
The problem appears to be worsening, and while Gardaí are doing their best, the station in the town is often extremely under resourced.
Local Councillor David Dunne says more Garda resources could drastically improve the situation…
Upon taking her Mayoral chains Carrick on Suir Cathaoirleach Imelda Goldsboro spoke about the need to improve mental health services.
There is a strong link between mental health and drug abuse and Cllr Goldsboro says a cross agency approach is needed to tackle the crisis in Carrick on Suir and beyond…