A local councillor has called for ongoing issues at two housing estates in Thurles to be addressed.
Councillor Jim Ryan has been highlighting problems at the new Glebe housing estate and at Dun Mhuileann, which is situated beside it, since May and again in December of last year.
At this month’s meeting of the Thurles Municipal District, he once again asked for updates on when signage and road markings would be put in place, as well as repairing loose chippings on paths.
During the construction of the new housing estate beside The Glebe, a temporary ESB junction box was removed, and Cllr Ryan says, despite commitments made by contractors to replaster over it, it has yet to happen.
The independent councillor says these unresolved works have resulted in another issue for the estate.
“Since the new layout within the estate, where you have a shared entrance for The Glebe, the existing housing estate, and the new housing estate, obviously we have a lot more cars coming into the estate. There’s heavy traffic on the roads; cars are speeding, and that’s why we’re looking for signage and road markings to help alleviate that issue within the estate. That’s one problem, but there are other problems there, and I’ve asked the council to resolve them, and they have given a commitment that they would do so.”