The Cabinet’s expected to sign off on the Commission for root and branch review of Gardaí later.
Current Seattle police Chief Kathleen O’Toole is to chair the review, with a number of other members.
Meanwhile the Justice Minister is also expected to brief her cabinet colleagues on weekend reports of phone-tapping going back some years ago.
Last week ministers agreed that Seattle police chief and former head of the Garda Inspectorate, Kathleen O’Toole would chair the review commission.
Today ministers may sign off on the other members of the review and agree its terms of reference.
The root and branch review is to look at culture and ethos of the Gardaí, recruitment and training, management structures and oversight, and whether there should be separation of policing and security in the State.
Ministers are also expecting a briefing from the Tánaiste on weekend revelations about phone tapping, which date back to the early 2000’s.