There were heated exchanges in the Dáil last evening on the development of a Community Nursing Unit in Cashel.
Tipperary Deputies Martin Browne and Mattie McGrath questioned Minister Mary Butler on the current situation in relation to the 60 bed unit.
Originally planned for the St Patrick’s Hospital site in Cashel the HSE has said in recent weeks that there was insufficient space there in relation to parking.
The Minister for Older People said site options were currently being reviewed which should be completed in the coming weeks.
“The last thing I want to see is the Community Nursing Unit being held up in Cashel because ye’re arguing over the site. It’s not up to politicians to determine where the nursing home will be built. The most important thing for me is that Cashel is next on the list and nobody is going to stop Cashel from being built. There will be a Community Nursing Unit built in Cashel.”
Deputy Browne was critical of some local Councillors in Tipperary.
“The only ones playing political football is local reps belonging to this Government. They’re back on local radio and media looking for special meetings with you Minister.”
For his part Deputy McGrath said there appeared to be no coordinated approach to the issue.
“Minister, you’re the only one that’s playing drop the ball here. Whether its Ludo or Draughts or Poker you want to play but the stakes are high for the people in Cashel. It’s the HSE as you heard from Deputy Browne are the people who are causing subterfuge and causing people to have disbelief with the different answers they give. Is there no joined up thinking?”