Sinn Féin’s Martin Browne says the €100 per week proposed for student nurses in hospital placements is an “insult”.
The Tipperary deputy spoke in the Dáil on his party’s motion which calls for fourth year student nurses and midwives to be paid the equivalent of healthcare assistants.
The motion, which was passed by the Dáil, also calls for first to third year students to be offered temporary contracts.
A report published earlier this week recommended the Government offer student nurses a €100 per week pandemic grant for unpaid placements in hospitals.
Deputy Browne referenced South Tipp General Hospital in the Dáil while calling for better conditions.
“We know the students have been performing pandemic related work with others – either filling staffing gaps or related work as part of placements in hospitals.”
“As I speak there are seven 4th year students in South Tipp General doing clinical placements.”
“We are now demanding clarity on this and the extent of which it is beyond the requirements of their degree and that they are appropriately compensated.”