An appeal has been lodged against proposals for a retreat and wellness centre in Ballina.
Tipperary County Council granted conditional planning permission to the Dublin Buddhist Centre for the centre at Ballycorrigan.
Members of the Retreat Centre met with local residents last October to outline their plans for Ballina.
The application for a change of use from residential to a retreat/wellness centre attracted 22 submissions during the initial planning phase.
Following the councils decision to grant permission one individual has now taken their opposition to An Bord Pleanala.
Among the concerns expressed is the rural location at Ballycorrigan which the appellant feels is not suitable for such a centre particularly the narrow access road saying the facility would be for anything from 14/35 people plus staff several times a month.
The appeal lodged with An Bord Pleanala highlights concerns about the extra draw on the existing water supply and also claims the retreat and wellness centre will not bring any benefit to the area saying that local need should come first.
A decision is due towards the end of July.