
Another lockdown would be ‘worst nightmare’ for Nenagh Golf Club



Another lockdown would be ‘devastating’ for Nenagh Golf Club, according to club captain Sean McLoughlin.

Golf clubs around the country have been closed since October, with April now being the earliest date for reopening.

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Plans had been made in Nenagh golf club to reopen in March with competitions organised, however they’ve had to be canceled as restrictions were extended.

Speaking to Tipp FM, McLoughlin is hoping that when golf does return, it doesn’t get shut again:

“What we really don’t want is if we reopen and there’s another lockdown, that would be devastating for us, that’s our worst nightmare if that happens.

“People will be, you know after paying their memberships and we turn around and play a months golf and lock down again, I mean that would be just devastating for the club.

“We’d find it very hard to recover from that.”

It is not known if competitive golf will be allowed when golf returns or how many people will be allowed play at once.

McLoughlin says it is unclear what will be allowed when golf returns:

“In terms of golf clubs opening, we’ve no guidelines from anybody, from Golf Ireland yet because we mightn’t be able to run competitions when we reopen.

“We might be in a position where we can only play casual golf in April, it might be June/July before we’re actually able to play competitions, we don’t know.

“We don’t know what’s going to happen in April, can we play competitions? Is it going to be casual golf and people playing in twos or threes or fours, we don’t know, we’ve no guidelines got.”


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