Deputy Mattie McGrath has been taken to task on his stance on restricting the number of Ukrainians coming into Ireland.
The Independent Tipperary TD has been vocal in saying we cannot cope with the amount of people fleeing to Ireland from the war torn country.
In the region of 40,000 have already arrived here.
Senator Garret Ahearn says we have a legal obligation to play our part – even if it does mean they have to live in tents until more permanent accommodation is found.
“What they’re fleeing from is a lot worse. We are wasting our time if we are looking for perfection for everything.
“I had four Ukrainian MPs who came over to Ireland for a two day visit to speak in the Seanad and to witness what we’re doing. They view Ireland as the model of how every other country should do it.
“What the 40 plus thousand Ukrainians are receiving is shelter, protection, support, education and health and that is what they’re asking for.”