Fine Gael Senator Garret Ahearn says he will definitely be putting his name forward for the next general election.
The former Mayor of Clonmel contested the last election where he picked up just over 6,200 first preference votes but missed out on the Dáil.
He was subsequently elected to the Upper House of the Oireachtas and is Fine Gael’s Seanad spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
While many long standing members of the party have signalled their intention not to contest the general election Garret Ahearn was very sure on Tipp Today earlier that his hat would be in the ring for Tipp South.
“Absolutely, that’s the intention anyway. We’ll have a convention at some point before the general election where people will put their names forward. I’ll do that and I’ll be looking for the support of the Fine Gael members who are very strong in South Tipperary – we’ve over 700 Fine Gael members and it’s they who will decide.
“I’ve worked extremely hard for the last six years – four years as a Senator, as a Councillor, as Mayor of Clonmel – and I’d like to think the members in Tipperary South trust me going forward.
“It’s going to be a difficult election nationally but I certainly think we have a real chance here in Tipp.”