Nearly 6,000 children are enrolled in childcare facilities in Tipperary.
They are among an estimated 186,000 attending early years services across the country.
A report from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs shows there were 5,782 children availing of government funded childcare facilities in the Premier County.
The average full-time fee in Tipperary is 148 per week compared to a national figure of 174.
The figures compiled by Pobal show there are a total of 716 childcare staff in the Premier who earn an average hourly wage of 11.68.
The figure for Early Years Assistants in Tipp is 10.83 an hour.
Nearly half of those employed in the sector in Tipperary have reached NFQ Level 6 status.
The staff turnover rate in Tipperary was 23% in the last 12 months – thats 5 points less than the national average.
According to the report from Minister Katherine Zappone’s department there are 666 vacant places at Early Years Childcare facilities in Tipp. However there are also 380 children on waiting lists for places in the county.